CATRIONA, MELANIE & ISLA taking part in KILTWALK 2023 – over £6000 raised.

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Money raised for the Kiltwalk by Cowal Knit & Natter Class
Awareness Raising in the Co-op

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CATRIONA, MELANIE & ISLA taking part in KILTWALK 2023 – over £6000 raised.
Money raised for the Kiltwalk by Cowal Knit & Natter Class
Awareness Raising in the Co-op
  Ut non sit lorem dolor laboris mollit sed. Occaecat excepteur aute tempor est in magna ad labore fugiat. Amet enim est nulla. Dolore reprehenderit, aliqua culpa reprehenderit consectetur labore velit ut mollit exercitation proident mollit.  EWA MOLESKIN - CEO
  Nostrud do excepteur, laboris, dolore sunt sint excepteur non exercitation eiusmod exercitation adipisicing non enim! Culpa minim sit consectetur est ullamco laboris labore incididunt, elit consequat sit irure. Eu officia voluptate et dolore sunt exercitation voluptate do. Incididunt laboris consequat, est magna sit dolor incididunt nulla velit non proident et nisi, dolore non nulla do?  ALEX FOX - GRAPHIC DESIGNER
  Ut non sit lorem dolor laboris mollit sed. Occaecat excepteur aute tempor est in magna ad labore fugiat. Amet enim est nulla. Dolore reprehenderit, aliqua culpa reprehenderit consectetur labore velit ut mollit exercitation proident mollit.  EWA MOLESKIN - CEO
Crossroads Caring For Carers
  	The monthly Dementia Carers meeting via Zoom have been essential support for sharing issues with other carers. Someone there is always able to provide solutions. Christine and staff have been essential for many carers and has managed to provide support throughout the pandemic. The staff are all amazing.  You are a lifeline of support – thank you all,	Good to know you are there when needed.
  Ut non sit lorem dolor laboris mollit sed. Occaecat excepteur aute tempor est in magna ad labore fugiat. Amet enim est nulla. Dolore reprehenderit, aliqua culpa reprehenderit consectetur labore velit ut mollit exercitation proident mollit.  EWA MOLESKIN - CEO
  Nostrud do excepteur, laboris, dolore sunt sint excepteur non exercitation eiusmod exercitation adipisicing non enim! Culpa minim sit consectetur est ullamco laboris labore incididunt, elit consequat sit irure. Eu officia voluptate et dolore sunt exercitation voluptate do. Incididunt laboris consequat, est magna sit dolor incididunt nulla velit non proident et nisi, dolore non nulla do?  ALEX FOX - GRAPHIC DESIGNER